Digital electronic colposcope not only works on diagnosis of the early canceration and phlogosis, but also take a important role in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia detection. For cytology-positive patients, electronic colposcope detection could provide exact accurate biopsy site, greatly avoiding biopsy blindness and improving positive biopsy rate. For positive cytology, the naked eye under punctuate biopsy-negative patients, electronic colposcope detection has greater signification. Providing lesion, greatly magnification observation, colposcopy biopsy to make a final diagnosis , histological lesions . Rapid differential diagnosis of benign and malignant lesions . Colposcopic biopsy plus cervical curettage , can reduce the rate of cone biopsy and surgical complications .
Diagnosis of cervical subclinical HPV warts better than cytology . Follow up study for the treatment of cervical , vaginal genital development and dynamic change .
Suitable for gynecological vagina disease.
*The software have the functions of image acquisition, display, processing, report printing and storage.
*The Colposcopy image display, freeze, acquisition, delete.
[Technic Specifications]
. Image Sensor: 1/4 SONY color digital CCD
. Visual interface: Video
. Horizontal Resolution: ≥480 TVL
. Zoom: optical zoom1- 28 times, digital zoom 1-18 times
. Innermost scope: 15mm-40mm 15-480mm
. Minimum illumination: 0.2 Lux
. Largest magnification: 126 times
. Visual Field: 20mm-25mm-320mm
. White balance: AWB model
. Light source : Multi-point surrounded high-brightness white cold light source, reaching 100,000 hours.
The host
Colposcope lens
Dedicated trestle
Color printer